Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Egg Retrieval

I had the egg retrieval done yesterday.  It went well and they retrieved 14 eggs.  They were hoping for 8-12 so 14 is a great number!  I am pretty sore still today but it's getting a little easier to move around.  I did not realize I would be so sore after the procedure.  I am going to try and go back to work tomorrow.  Hopefully it will go smoothly and mostly pain free.

10 of the 14 eggs fertilized!  I was hoping that the implantation would be on Saturday but my estrogen levels are still too high.  We have to wait 6-8 weeks before they will do the implantation.  I am not going to lie, I am really upset about having to wait.  I feel like I have been waiting for so long.  I thought for sure I would be finishing this process on Saturday so its hard to handle having to wait another two months.    

I am trying so hard to get rid of the negative feelings of having to wait and to focus on the fact that 10 fertilized.  That is a great number.  They also are working with us on the cost so it will cost us between $1500 and $2000 instead of the $4250 that we were first told.  Waiting will also give my body a chance to recuperate before we do the implantation.   Hopefully I will be pregnant by July!

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