Friday, June 22, 2012

21 Days

I had an appointment this morning and all went well.  It was just blood work and an ultrasound so nothing too exciting to report.  Everything is right on track!  I start the estrogen pills tomorrow.  I'll take 1 pill a day for 2 days, 2 a day for a few days, and then 3 pills a day until after the implant.  I start the progesterone on July 7th.  I have been having a hard time with the side effects from the lupron this time around.  I am thinking the heat is making it a little harder to tolerate.  I am thankful for such a wonderful and patient husband for dealing with all of my mood swings!  Our friends and family has been so great calling and checking in on me.  I appreciate it so much.

I can't believe the the transfer is only 21 days away.  That's 3 weeks!!!  It's crazy to think that in 3 weeks I could have a life (or two) growing inside of me.  Dave and I went on a date the other week -Thanks to Stacy and Rob- and we went to target and walked around the baby section looking at the cribs and bedding and everything.  It is the first time I have been able to go in the baby section and not feel massively depressed.  We spent the day dreaming about our future and where our family will be this time next year.  It was so fun.  Then we went to dinner at Paradise Bakery which is really Panera.  We used to go on dates to Panera in Pennsylvania all of the time.  We both ordered the same food we would always get.  :-)  It was great to spend a day dreaming of the future and reminiscing about the past.

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