Saturday, July 7, 2012

Less than ONE WEEK!!!!

In less than a week I could be pregnant!!  It has been such a long road to get to this point and I am just bursting with excitement waiting these last few days.  I had two ultrasounds and blood work done this week and everything looks "beautiful, beautiful, beautiful" according to the IVF coordinator.  I finished taking the lupron yesterday and today I start the progesterone.  It is a big shot that dave has to give me in my lower back/hip area.  I will be on the estrace and progesterone until I am 12 weeks pregnant.  I had no idea why I would need to stay on it for so long so I asked on Tuesday.  She explained that the medicine is going to be supporting the pregnancy the way your ovaries normally would.  If I were to get pregnant naturally my body would be supplying all of the hormones.

On Monday they are going to thaw out 5 embryos.  I have to call Tuesday after 11am to find out how many embryos survived the thaw.  They said that if 4 survive that is excellent, if 3 survive that is good.  That will give us an indication if it will be a day 3, 4, or 5 implant.  We are hoping for a day 5 implant when the embryo becomes a blastocyst.  It will also mean that I only have to wait 10 days for the pregnancy test instead of 11 or 12.

Last night Dave and I were talking about the fact that our babies are frozen right now and they are going to be thawed.  It is so mind blowing that our babies are frozen...Think about that for a minute, how crazy is that!  It also blows my mind that depending on which ones they choose to implant will decide if it is a boy or a girl, if they will look like Logan or like us.  (Logan-pale, light hair, and blue eyes.  Us- dark hair, brown eyes, and tan).

I had a dream the other night that we had twin baby girls.  They looked just like Logan with pale skin and big blue eyes.  We took them to visit Tulsi in my dream and even though they were brand new they were crawling all over the place.

I was talking to my friend Stephani the other day.  She is a photographer and I was telling her that I want to get maternity pictures taken when it works.  She said we could start start planning and I said I wanted to wait until after we got the positive test because I didn't want to get ahead of myself.  What she said to me really changed the way I have been thinking about things.  I have been thinking positively and having faith that this will work but have always had this little nagging doubt in my mind.  She said "If you plan ahead and trust that God will provide and that he will do this then you are showing him your faith...."  I can't wait to get those pictures taken!!  :-)       

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